


当谈到火车上使用的制动系统时, 安全, 可靠性, 性能永远是第一位的. In these domains, 全球最大网赌正规平台 leads the way with our Metroflexx and Regioflexx brake solutions. Metroflexx为轨道交通行业树立了标准, 而Regioflexx是我们最新一代的郊区解决方案, 城际, 区域, 还有高速列车.

同时也尽可能的安全, 这两种系统也是市场上最轻、效率最高的系统之一, 这给火车运营商带来了巨大的好处. Our engineers achieve this through two major design and manufacturing features: the use of software instead of pneumatic components, 以及增材制造. 通过利用这些创新的现代解决方案, 我们提高了这两种制动产品的可靠性和性能, 同时降低维护和安装的时间和成本, 创造多重效率.


在开发Metroflexx和Regioflexx时, 全球最大网赌正规平台 made a major leap forward by replacing some pneumatic components that perform 安全-critical functions within brake systems with software emulation at the same 安全 level. The benefit of this is clear: a component that is not actually a physical product generates no costs beyond development and validation, 没有重量, 不产生安装限制, 不需要维护. 而气动元件需要项目特定的设置, 一旦被仿真软件取代, settings are replaced by software parameters that only need to be fixed once for the project.

This change is innovative, and 全球最大网赌正规平台 could have stopped there, but we decided to go even further. We chose to explore the use of additive manufacturing for the remaining pneumatic parts in order to reduce weight and make our products even more advantageous for customers.


气动元件传统上是由铝制成的, 在铝坯中加工或, 当生产量允许时, 在同一. Each component is either flanged on a drilled or bonded panel or pipe mounted, and each interface between a pneumatic component and its support requires fasteners and seals for tightness. While this system ensures components can be dismounted easily for maintenance, the use of extra pieces comes at a price: seals at every interface need to be replaced during brake system overhaul and can be prone to leaking. This means increased maintenance costs and degraded 可靠性, and also additional weight.

全球最大网赌正规平台开发Metroflexx和Regioflexx时, additive manufacturing technology was already revolutionizing a number of industries, 包括铁路. While our engineers had already minimized the number of pneumatic components used in Metroflexx and Regioflexx, we also wanted to take full advantage of this new technology to push physical integration even further and minimize the number of pneumatic interfaces required.


图1中的顶部图像, 下面, shows the Metroflexx main plate initial design with 在同一 aluminum and key pneumatic components flanged on the plate, 每个气动接口都有密封, 加上螺丝. The bottom image shows the design of the same Metroflexx plate with additive manufacturing design.


Figure 1: The initial Metroflexx version with 在同一 plate, and the 3D printed version


增材技术带来了多重好处:对产品本身, 它是如何产生的, 并贯穿其整个生命周期.

  • The body of key pneumatic components is fully integrated into the plate body, 限制气动和机械接口的数量. 除了, 密封件的数量大大减少, 从而提高可靠性,降低维护成本.
  • 内部管路大大优化,提高气动性能. 组件在板上的放置也可以优化, 无加工约束, 使维护更容易.
  • The 3D printed version of Metroflexx merges no fewer than 32 separate parts into a single component.

在传统的制动控制设备中采用电子齿条, 有气动制动面板和车轮滑动保护阀, 制动控制装置重约70公斤.

Metroflexx, 取代传统制动控制设备, 在最初的设计中,重量为15公斤,采用铸造铝板. 当使用增材制造板生产时, Metroflexx的体重下降到10公斤, 体重提高了33%. 5公斤的差异不会对列车有效载荷产生重大影响, 但是在维护方面有很大的不同. 作为线路可更换单元(LRU), 在10公斤, Metroflexx (or Regioflexx) can be replaced on train by a single operator in less than 20 minutes without any special tools, meaning that repair or overhaul can be done in a specialized workshop without affecting train availability. 在10公斤, Metroflexx and Regioflexx are by far the lightest integrated brake controls available on the market.


Machining time is reduced by 80%, and the energy needed to produce the part is divided by four. Our supply chain becomes more flexible as we no longer depend on casting suppliers. This results in less need for transportation and the ability to order quantities as required, 没有最低要求.


这种设计是完全灵活的, so modifications can be performed as required simply by changing the associated digital model, 从而消除了与工装修改相关的成本.


Figure 2: The initial Metroflexx version with 在同一 plate, and the 3D printed version



当涉及到安全关键设备,如制动系统, 全球最大网赌正规平台非常重视我们创新的测试和验证. 增材制造也不例外. Our products have undergone the most rigorous tests to validate their key 安全 features.

  1. We examined how to ensure pneumatic channels stay clean and pollution-free, 特别是在管道和部件方面. 
  2. Our laboratories performed high-pressure hydraulic and fatigue tests to ensure product robustness under pressure.
  3. Products were subjected to shocks and vibrations to ensure they could withstand a real-life train environment.
  4. 我们进行了环境测试, which included exposing the products to extreme temperatures and salt spray.

This extensive validation program allowed us to be fully confident that this technology could guarantee the same level of 安全 and durability as traditionally manufactured pneumatic systems and components.


The advantages offered by the use of additive manufacturing are myriad and cannot be overstated. 这项技术不仅减轻了生产零件的重量, it also enables product-function integration that limits the need for equipment maintenance. 它缩短了备件的制造时间和交货时间, 同时也简化了供应链. 这些好处, 哪些对火车运营商有利, are also good for the environment as they make the manufacturing process much greener by significantly reducing energy consumption.

前进, 全球最大网赌正规平台 recently decided to build a European additive manufacturing center in Tours, 法国. 该工厂有能力生产聚合物和金属部件, 并为整个价值链提供服务, 来自设计咨询公司, 概念执行验证, 并支持验证和认证, 到3D打印和后处理(加工), 绘画, 表面处理……).

We are committed to unleashing the potential of this game-changing technology to create ever more reliable and efficient braking systems that help speed the rail transportation industry towards a safer and greener future.